Posts Tagged ‘Timeful’

10 Minutes to Regain Your Time With These iOS Apps

March 13, 2015

Smartphones and their apps are often cited amongst the biggest productivity drains known to mankind, but we firmly believe in their power to do good. All you need to do is download the right apps and be very strict about how you spend your time. That means no sneaking onto social media and news websites when you’re meant to be updating a project or adding events to your schedule!

Here are 5 of our favourite iOS productivity apps. Android users, keep an eye out for our top 5 Android productivity apps, coming soon.

Evernote (From Free)

This has featured on every productivity app blog we’ve published, and it will continue to do so unless something drastic happens. Evernote is a virtual notebook in your pocket, enabling you to save photos, web pages, videos, reminders, PDFs, documents and pretty much anything else you can think of. Everything you save can be accessed from the web, desktop or mobile versions of the app, making it incredibly easy to stay on top of things, no matter where you end up working from. The basic version of Evernote is free, with paid options available to those who require increased functionality.

Timeful (Free)

Not only will Timeful help you to keep track of the tasks you need to complete, it will also learn your habits and make suggestions on how to better manage your time. Ideal for those times when you can’t have our expert advice on hand! The more you use Timeful, the more productive it can help you become, so make it one habit you start now.

Wunderlist (Free)

Another favourite of ours, Wunderlist syncs across all of your devices, and allows you to collaborate with other team members or your family but works just as fabulously when you’re working alone.

Things (£6.99)

Much as we are advocates of keeping things as simple as possible, sometimes life is too complicated for a basic to-do list and this is where Things comes into its own.  What we love most is the ease at which it combines powerful features with ease of use. No wasted time!

Day One (£2.99)

If you want to keep a photographic memoir of your days for blogging or website purposes, Day One is an excellent app for the job. Record your life as you go and keep it all in one handy place for when you next need it. Day One lets you sync with Dropbox or iCloud and export your journals as PDF

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